Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 1st Dr appt

Yesterday I went with mom and George to visit Dr. O. It wasn't a particularly eventful appointment. He cut back some of her meds that seemed to be duplicates from various doctors. I asked a lot of questions about treatment options, why surgery isn't an option, where do we go from here, etc... and he basically said there is nothing to do. Come back in three months and see where we're at.

I'd like to get a second opinion on possible treatments, so we're trying to find another Dr and get an appointment for next week if possible. Will let you know if that happens.

In the meantime, we've been just hanging around the house (when I'm not working). I've been cooking dinner and encouraging her to eat more and more nutritious foods. I also would like for her to get out and walk the dog etc because she's getting virtually no exercise.

We'd like to take a day trip to the zoo, hopefully tomorrow if she feels up to it. Will take pictures!

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