Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Radiation is complete!

Radiation was *supposed* to be over last Friday, but due to an problem with the machine it was pushed back a few days. So yesterday was the final day of radiation. Mom will go back for a cat scan in June to see how the radiation has helped. As a side effect of the radiation mom began to loser her hair, so she decided to shave it all off.. so don't be surprised when you see her :)

Thanks again so much to everyone for helping out with rides to and from radiation and other errands. I will be coming home sometime in mid-June for about 4 weeks so hopefully I'll be of some help then.

Tomorrow mom has an appointment with a pulmonary specialist to discuss the abnormality found in the chest area on the PET scan, and to schedule a bronchioscopy. Will let you know of any more information when I have it.

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